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DIRE-MED - Dialogue Interculturel, REseaux et Mobilité en MEDiterranée

Code: 574184-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP


DIRE-MED (Dialogue Interculturel, REseaux et Mobilité en MEDiterranée) was funded through the KA2 Capacity Building action of the Erasmus+ programme. It promoted the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from 3 partner countries – Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, which was achieved through the reinforcement of capacities for the management, innovation and internationalisation of participating institutions, as well as through the promotion of cooperation among HEIs and civil societies of these countries and with those of EU countries. Through HEI cooperation, DIRE-MED fostered the establishment of a lasting and trusting relationship and increased intercultural awareness among Mediterranean countries, which facilitated the movement of persons, the exchange and, on the long term, the economic and cultural integration of the Maghreb.

  • UNICT – Universitá Degli Studi Di Catania
  • UP1 – Université Paris 1- Sorbonne
  • PACA
  • EUSA
  • UAE – Uniersité Abdelmalek Essaadi Maroc
  • IAV Hassan II Maroc
  • Setif 2 Algérie
  • U. Alger 1 Algérie
  • UTM – U. Tunis el Manar Tunisie
  • UCAR Carthage Universit

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