INNOVET - Fostering INNOvation in VET through the exchange of good practices

Code: 2020-1-BE202-077478
In progress


INNOVET is an initiative launched by EfVET with the main purpose of tackling some issues highlighted by VET providers related to: -lack of transnational conferences (not related to Erasmus+ projects) where VET schools from different countries can interact with each other and exchange know-how and practices. -a rising demand for training opportunities for teachers, given the rapid changes going on in society. VET schools need resilient teachers, who are able to deal with innovation in education and introduce new pedagogical approaches/methodologies in class. The INNOVET project wants to develop and test a format of transnational conference where VET practitioners from all over Europe can develop innovation starting from the exchange of practices on themes at the top of the EU agenda with a particular emphasis on: -Teachers and trainers’ professional development, by organising joint staff trainings for VET teachers that will work as meeting places to exchange practices on themes at the top of the agenda in Europe concerning VET. These joint staff trainings will be used to test a format of transnational conference, which answers the needs of VET providers described above, and can be replicated every year after the end of the project. The expected result is to create a mainstream European event on VET known all around Europe, which will offer teachers the opportunity to improve their knowledge and competences. -An intense exchange of practices during transnational events, which will focus on thematic areas selected as priorities by EfVET members through a bottom-up approach, namely Internationalisation and Technology and Industry 4.0 (renamed VET 4.0 due the impact that it is having on the teaching methodologies). Focusing on exchanging practices in these fields, project partners will set up a model of a “transnational conference” targeted to the staff of VET providers all over Europe, which will be tested two times on 80 practitioners during the project in the joint staff training events foreseen. The testing will provide feedback used to improve the quality of the format for this transnational event.

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