POLIS - Nuevos Paradigmas de Sostenibilidad para Ciudades Latinoamericanas Inclusivas e Inteligentes

Code: 101127604
In progress


Action: K2
– POLIS (Nuevos Paradigmas de Sostenibilidad para Ciudades Latinoamericanas Inclusivas e Inteligentes) has the objective of helping to create solutions for overcoming the environmental and social difficulties in Latin America and to promote the employability of university students, through the development of a specialised study programme based on the social and environmental needs of the region. The main outcome of POLIS will be the design and implementation of a Specialisation Course on Urban and Territory Planning in six universities of Peru, Chile and Ecuador: a postgraduate interdisciplinary course that will focus on the competences and knowledge needed for participatory urban planning to develop sustainable, smart and inclusive cities.


UDEP (Universidad de Piura; Piura, Perú)
UNJBG (Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann; Tacna, Perú)
UNAP (Universidad Arturo Prat; Iquique, Chile)
ULS (Universidad de La Serena; La Serena, Chile)
UCSG (Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil; Guayaquil, Ecuador)
UTPL (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja; Loja, Ecuador)
UIC Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
IPC -Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra

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